The following (together with the documents or web pages referred to herein) are the terms and conditions on which Laundry Republic Limited ("Laundry Republic" or "We") will supply such services (the "Services") to you as you request by placing an order with us. The nature and pricing of the Services are detailed for you on our website (our "Site").

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before ordering any Services from our Site. You should understand that by ordering any of our Services, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and you accept that our Services are subject to, these terms and conditions.

You should print a copy of these terms and conditions for future reference.

Please click on the button marked "I have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions" below if you accept them. Please understand that if you refuse to accept these terms and conditions, you will not be able to order any Services from our Site.

1. Information about us is a site operated by us, Laundry Republic Limited. We are registered in England and Wales under company number 06759395 and with our registered office at Units 22-23 Grange Mills, Weir Road, London, SW12 0NE.

2. Orders

2.1 Our Site is only intended for use by persons resident in those building in which lockers operated by us (the "Lockers") have been installed (the "Serviced Buildings"), and persons resident in those buildings where we operate our Services through an on-site concierge (the "Concierge").

2.2 By placing your items (the "Items") in the Locker or with the Concierge, completing the form above and clicking “I have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions” below, you are placing an order for Services in relation to the Locker's contents or the items you left with the Concierge (an "Order"). The price of any Services will be as quoted on the payment schedule as viewable at (the "Payment Schedule") available for you to read when you log in to our Site.

2.3 Your Order constitutes a request for the provision of Services in accordance with this Payment Schedule and any instructions you include at the time of placing your order.

3. Your status

By placing an Order through our Site, you warrant that:

(a) You are legally capable of entering into binding contracts;

(b) You are at least 16 years old

(c) You have read and understood the Payment Schedule, and are aware of the prices of both our Services and the total cost of your Order

4. Services

4.1 All Orders are subject to acceptance by us, and We will confirm such acceptance to you by sending you an e-mail to confirm which Services will be carried out ("Service Confirmation"). The Service Confirmation will confirm the Items placed in the Locker or with the Concierge and the pricing for the provision of Services in relation to those Items.

4.2 You will not be asked to confirm that the Service Confirmation matches your understanding of the Items placed in the Locker or with the Concierge before we begin carrying out the Services; however the Service Confirmation will include instructions on how to contact us in the event that you believe any mistakes or errors have been made. If you believe this to be the case you must do so, immediately as the Services will in most circumstances be commenced on the same day on which the Order is placed. The contract between us ("Contract") and you will only be formed when We send you the Service Confirmation.

4.3 Certain Items may not match the descriptions included in the Payment Schedule (or the assumptions upon which it is based), whether because of their size, nature, delicate or heavy fabric, the amount of cleaning required or some other substantive reason. Laundry Republic reserves the right to agree separate pricing arrangements in relation to such Items and in such circumstances will contact you in order to discuss such pricing. The Contract will therefore only relate to those Services that We have confirmed in the Service Confirmation. We will not be obliged to provide any other Services which may have been part of your Order until such Services have been confirmed in a separate Service Confirmation.

4.4 By default, we will assume that the garments and linens you are providing to us are for cleaning and pressing and will be priced individually. If you intend for any garments and linens to be processed as part of a service wash (wash and fold, no pressing) and priced on a per kg basis, please leave a note to this effect in the special instructions field when placing an order at

5 Minimum Order Size and First Order Discount All Orders are subject to a minimum price of £25.00 (the "Minimum Order Size"). In the event that the Order amounts to less than Minimum Order Size, the Minimum Order Size will still be charged in respect of that Order. The first order a customer places may, in our absolute discretion, be subject to a First Order Discount, of an amount or percentage amount with or without limitations, specified on our website and displayed at the moment of ordering. Out of date printed marketing materials may not display the latest, correct First Order Discount. In this case, the First Order Discount displayed on our website at the point of ordering shall be used. We recommend you check carefully the details of the First Order Discount when ordering. Unless otherwise stated, the First Order Discount will be capped at a maximum of £25.00.

6. Turnaround Times

6.1 Laundry Republic makes no guarantees as to turnaround times. We will use our reasonable endeavours to provide the Services within the turnaround times detailed on our Site, however circumstances beyond our control can sometimes result in a delay in Services.

6.2 We accept no responsibility for any loss or damage which may result from failure to provide any Services within the turnaround times listed on our Site. We may, in our absolute discretion, decide to compensate you in the event that the listed turnaround times are not met, however, such compensation will only be as a credit against future Orders.

7. Placing Items in the Locker

7.1 It is your responsibility to ensure that no personal property for which Services are not to be, or cannot be, provided are placed in the Locker. Any personal property placed in a locker that appears to have value will be removed by us and stored for 1 month. If such property is unclaimed after 1 month, this property will be donated to charity.

7.2 When leaving Items, please ensure that your Locker has been correctly closed and locked. Laundry Republic is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from a failure to properly lock the Locker.

7.3 Please ensure the pockets of all Items have been emptied and no loose possessions have been included in the Locker by accident. We will not be checking the pockets of Items and accept no responsibility for any loss arising from the Services being carried out without the pockets of the Items having been emptied or any loose possessions having been accidentally left in the Locker.

7.4 In the event that you leave Items in the Locker but do not complete the relevant payment procedures in relation to such Order, the Items will not be returned to the Locker until you have done so. In such circumstances we will keep hold of the Items and attempt to contact you, however if we have not been able to identify the owner of the Items within 1 month or those Items have not been collected, then those Items will be donated to charity.

8. Return of Items

8.1 Once the Services have been carried out and have been paid for by you, the Items will be returned to the same Locker or Concierge, and we will contact you by email and/or text. Items will not be returned until the Services have been paid for, unless you have registered valid payment card details with our secure online payments partner, in which case we will return the Items to the Locker and your payment card will be charged later. You should note that we will commence the provision of the Service on the understanding that payment will be received prior to the Items being ready to be returned.

8.2 Items returned to the Locker and not collected by you within 72 hours will be removed and returned to our storage facility. In such circumstances, the lock on the Locker will be changed and you will need to contact us to arrange re-delivery.

8.3 Shirts will be returned on hangers unless you specify otherwise.

9. Price and payment

9.1 The prices in the Payment Schedule are inclusive of any VAT that may be payable.

9.2 Prices are liable to change at any time, but changes will not affect orders in respect of which We have already sent you a Service Confirmation.

9.3 Our site contains a large number of Services and it is always possible that, despite our best efforts, some of the Services listed on our site may have been incorrectly priced. We will normally verify prices as part of our procedures so that, where a Service's correct price is less than our stated price, We will charge the lower amount when providing the Service to you. If a Service's correct price is higher than the price stated on our site, We will notify you in the Service Confirmation.

9.4 We are under no obligation to provide the Services to you at the incorrect (lower) price, even after We have sent you a Service Confirmation, if the pricing error is obvious and unmistakeable and could have reasonably been recognised by you as a mis-pricing.

9.5 Payment for all Services must be by credit or debit card, or by PayPal, or in some limited cases by Direct Debit. We will charge your credit or debit card, or initiate the Direct Debit, upon sending the Service Confirmation.

9.6 If an order remains unpaid we will store it on our premises for 3 months from the order's due date. After 3 months have elapsed from the order's due date if it continues to be unpaid the order will be donated to charity.

9.7 We reserve the right to amend promotion terms and conditions and/or discontinue promotions at any time without liability.

10. Keys

10.1 It is your responsibility to keep and look after the key for the Locker whilst we are providing the Services.

10.2 Lost or irreparably damaged keys will be charged at a rate of £20 per key. Half this amount will be refunded in the event that a lost key is later found and returned to us in a useable condition.

11. Our liability

11.1 We warrant to you that any Services provided by us will be of satisfactory quality and reasonably fit for all the purposes for which Services of the kind are commonly supplied. Laundry Republic makes no guarantees that it will be able to get all stains out, when carrying out the Services.

11.2 Items are placed in the Lockers or with the Concierge at your own risk and you shall retain ownership and risk for such Items at all times. Laundry Republic accepts no liability for any losses you suffer as a result damage to or loss of Items placed in the Lockers or with the Concierge or as a result of any breach of this agreement by us.

11.3 This does not include or limit in any way our liability: (a) For death or personal injury caused by our negligence; (b) Under section 2(3) of the Consumer Protection Act 1987; (c) For fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or (d) For any matter for which it would be illegal for us to exclude, or attempt to exclude, our liability.

11.4 We are not responsible for indirect losses which happen as a side effect of any main loss or damage, including but not limited to: (a) loss of income or revenue (b) loss of business (c) loss of profits or contracts (d) loss of anticipated savings (e) loss of data, or (f) waste of management or office time however arising and whether caused by tort (including negligence), breach of contract or otherwise.

11.5 Any Items which you believe have been lost or damaged must be reported within 5 days of the Order being fulfilled. Any compensation for loss of or damage to Items, will be in the absolute discretion of Laundry Republic, without admission of liability and only given in accordance with Textile Services Association Guidelines.

12. Written communications

Applicable laws require that some of the information or communications We send to you should be in writing. When using our Site, you accept that communication with us will be mainly electronic. We will contact you by e-mail or provide you with information by posting notices on our website. For contractual purposes, you agree to this electronic means of communication and you acknowledge that all contracts, notices, information and other communications that We provide to you electronically comply with any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. This condition does not affect your statutory rights.

13. Notices

All notices given by you to us must be given to Laundry Republic Limited at Units 22-23 Grange Mills, London, SW12 0NE or We may give notice to you at either the e-mail or postal address you provide to us when placing an order, or in any of the ways specified in clause 12 above. Notice will be deemed received and properly served immediately when posted on our website, 24 hours after an e-mail is sent, or three days after the date of posting of any letter. In proving the service of any notice, it will be sufficient to prove, in the case of a letter, that such letter was properly addressed, stamped and placed in the post and, in the case of an e-mail that such e-mail was sent to the specified e-mail address of the addressee.

14. Transfer of rights and obligations

14.1 The contract between you and us is binding on you and us and on our respective successors and assigns.

14.2 You may not transfer, assign, charge or otherwise dispose of a Contract, or any of your rights or obligations arising under it, without our prior written consent.

14.3 We may transfer, assign, charge, sub-contract or otherwise dispose of a Contract, or any of our rights or obligations arising under it, at any time during the term of the Contract.

15. Events outside our control

15.1 We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under a Contract that is caused by events outside our reasonable control (a "Force Majeure Event").

15.2 A Force Majeure Event includes any act, event, non-happening, omission or accident beyond our reasonable control and includes in particular (without limitation) the following: (a) Strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action. (b) Civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war. (c) Fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, pandemic, epidemic or other natural disaster. (d) Impossibility of the use of railways, shipping, aircraft, motor transport or other means of public or private transport. (e) Impossibility of the use of public or private telecommunications networks. (f) The acts, decrees, legislation, regulations or restrictions of any government.

15.3 Our performance under any Contract is deemed to be suspended for the period that the Force Majeure Event continues, and We will have an extension of time for performance for the duration of that period. We will use our reasonable endeavours to bring the Force Majeure Event to a close or to find a solution by which our obligations under the Contract may be performed despite the Force Majeure Event.

16. Waiver

16.1 If We fail, at any time during the term of a Contract, to insist upon strict performance of any of your obligations under the Contract or any of these terms and conditions, or if We fail to exercise any of the rights or remedies to which We are entitled under the Contract, this shall not constitute a waiver of such rights or remedies and shall not relieve you from compliance with such obligations.

16.2 A waiver by us of any default shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent default.

16.3 No waiver by us of any of these terms and conditions shall be effective unless it is expressly stated to be a waiver and is communicated to you in writing in accordance with clause 12 above.

17. Severability If any of these terms and conditions or any provisions of a Contract are determined by any competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, such term, condition or provision will to that extent be severed from the remaining terms, conditions and provisions which will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.

18. Entire agreement

18.1 These terms and conditions and any document expressly referred to in them represent the entire agreement between us in relation to the subject matter of any Contract and supersede any prior agreement, understanding or arrangement between us, whether oral or in writing.

18.2 We each acknowledge that, in entering into a Contract, neither of us has relied on any representation, undertaking or promise given by the other or be implied from anything said or written in negotiations between us prior to such Contract except as expressly stated in these terms and conditions.

18.3 Neither of us shall have any remedy in respect of any untrue statement made by the other, whether orally or in writing, prior to the date of any Contract (unless such untrue statement was made fraudulently) and the other party's only remedy shall be for breach of contract as provided in these terms and conditions.

18.4 Any other promotions, discounts, credits or rebates are entirely at the discretion of Laundry Republic.

19. Our right to vary these terms and conditions

19.1 We have the right to revise and amend these terms and conditions from time to time to reflect changes in market conditions affecting our business, changes in technology, changes in payment methods, changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements, changes in our system's capabilities or any other reason.

19.2 You will be subject to the policies and terms and conditions in force at the time that you order Services from us, unless any change to those policies or these terms and conditions is required to be made by law or governmental authority (in which case it will apply to orders previously placed by you), or if We notify you of the change to those policies or these terms and conditions before We send you the Service Confirmation (in which case We have the right to assume that you have accepted the change to the terms and conditions).

20. Law and jurisdiction

Contracts for the purchase of Services through our Site and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) will be governed by English law. Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with such Contracts or their formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.